Your time is priceless, spend it wisely...
January 24, 2025 - (reading time:3 minutes)
Nowadays, our data floats up in the cloud.
Emails, photos, posts we share, voices loud…
All stored, classified, archived with care,
Whether we notice or give our aware.
Whether you like it or not, you now live two lives.
One is fleeting, with feet on the ground,
The other eternal, where servers abound.
Your digital ghost will forever be traced,
Even when your bones have long been erased.
But what is this cloud that governs our fate?
Where does it lie? Who owns its gate?
Should we wonder, should we care,
Or just accept this age laid bare?
Some will say it’s the price to pay,
For modern life ruled by tech each day.
Yet if we look at times of old,
What is a cloud, if truth be told?
A simple shape in the shimmering sky,
Floating gently, catching the eye.
No matter your place, your faith, your years,
A cloud’s beauty forever appears.
Isn’t it strange that just like the mind,
A cloud is fickle, moody, unconfined?
A thundercloud when storms arise,
Dark and booming, it roars, it cries.
Menacing, raging, heavy with sorrow,
Announcing a gloom that dreads tomorrow.
A simple cumulus on a clear bright day,
Pure and white, it drifts away.
Serene and calm, at peace once more,
A cirrus fades when the sun is high,
Trailing wisps that paint the sky.
Like joy unveiled for all to see,
Letting the golden rays flow free.
At times a player, an artist so keen,
Twisting and shifting in forms unseen.
A balloon, a dragon, a butterfly fleet,
Dancing and changing, it never repeats.
Do you not see what’s shining through?
These clouds reflect a wisdom true.
They live the moment, drifting light,
They move, adapt, embrace their flight,
Breathing whispers of joy in air,
While we rush on, lost unaware.
So what will you choose for your two lives?
Let data rule, risk being hacked?
Lose yourself in a virtual tide,
Drown in the void, never look back?
Or will you return to the world that is real,
Grounded firm, your compass to steer?
For in the end, just one life is true,
And I hope these verses have guided you.
The digital realm is a fleeting dream,
The world outside holds a brighter gleam.
So let us cherish our dreaming hearts,
Keep our heads up in the skies,
Yet keep our feet where meaning lies,
And find together joy that lasts.